Reiki is a natural and simple way to promote healing, relaxation, and creativity on all levels of existence: the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. 'Rei-ki' (ray-kee) is a combination of two Japanese characters:

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'Rei' refers to the universal or higher power, or God, and 'Ki', refers to the life force that surrounds and permeates everything. In other traditions this life force is also referred to as the subtle energy field, Chi, or Prana. The translation that I prefer is 'spiritually guided, universal life force'. This indicates two important aspects:

1) Reiki is a universal energy that is found everywhere and that is accessible to everyone, and 

2) it is guided by some higher power, or God.

The practitioner becomes an instrument or channel for the healing energy to move where it is naturally drawn. Is is an intelligent energy that 'knows' where to go during a treatment, so there is no need for any additional technique or practice. If your life energy is low, you will feel weak and more susceptible to illness. If your life energy is strong, you will feel healthy and energetic, your body will adjust and heal easily.

A Reiki treatment supplies you with this vital life energy and repairs and strengthens your subtle energy field, helping you to heal and rejuvenate. 

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The founder of reiki

The Reiki system has been founded by Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist in the early 1900s, and is being transmitted through various schools and lines of teachers.  

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Reiki has continuously come up in my life, but I never took advantage of the opportunity to learn more about it. Because of Sudevi’s credibility, I felt Reiki was something I can trust. Receiving Reiki attunement from her has given me powerful access to self healing and healing the relationships I value most.
— Kuvaleshaya, US